Aquafin image, filling a reusable bottle with tap water


Aquafin is a public limited company, appointed by the Flemish government to purify rain and soil water in the Flemish region. Next to managing rainwater, they fulfill an educational role by providing study materials for pupils and students.

Inform and service six different audiences through one website

Child with blue raincoat standing in the rain

Aquafin has a total of six types of stakeholders, ranging from local governments to private individuals, pupils and PhD students. Through one website, they have to service all of these audiences and offer them the right information as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How we achieved our goal

After extensive user research, we constructed a clear information architecture that makes sense for every stakeholder. We created an intuitive visual language and captured it in a style guide alongside a new tone of voice. After wireframing and designing, we built the website with Drupal 8, integrated it with Flexmail and linked it with the governmental maintenance planning tool Gipod.

Integrated with
Digital platform
Integrated with
Integrated with Flexmail Digital platform Drupal 8 Integrated with Gipod
Website detail page Aquafin

A success story

Through one website, Aquafin is able to inform and help six different audiences through a design that looks clear and feels intuitive to use. In 2017, this website was awarded with a Splash Award for public institutions, both on a Benelux and European scale.

Award won in 2017
Award won in 2017 Splash Award, public institutions