ATPS trucks


ATPS is a French company that provides machinery and operators for road construction sites.

ATPS aimed to expand its telephone service with expert dispatchers for taking care of the allocation of machines and their operators with an online booking tool to make the process less reliant on manual labor. Our sister agency Emakina.FR took on this challenge.

Screenshot ARPS website

A new internal support system

To help ATPS meet these challenges, they needed more than a new online customer experience. An internal support system was set up to optimise the service with a new digital platform for dispatchers. By launching a simple query in the tool, they can now compare options in a matter of seconds to find the optimal man/machine combination for their customer.

ATPS commerce platform

Booking powered by an algorithm

A web application was created, highlighting the premium service offered by ATPS, and offering the same customer experience as provided by phone. The simplified and fluid interface makes booking easy and pleasant for the user. So, booking optimization, previously laborious to carry out manually, is now simply managed by an algorithm.

Reliance on manual labor
Increased activity
Reliance on manual labor -25% Increased activity +100%

The services that made this happen

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